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Medical Letters
Please click the link below to view and download the school's medical letter which parents must complete before any form of medication is given to children by school staff, be it in school or outside of school on day trips or residential visits.
Miss Cooke and Mrs. Thompson are the two members of staff responsible for administering medication to pupils, although use of inhalers can be observed and recorded by any member of staff holding a current paediatric first aid certificate (see staff page for current school first aiders).
On residential trips, parents may require medication to be given to their children which is not usually administered in school such as travel sickness tablets - such medication STILL REQUIRES the below form to be completed and given to either Miss Cooke or a first aider accompanying the child on the trip.
Administration of Medication form
Also available to download below is also a copy of the leaflet issued by Herefordshire Council containing advice on managing childhood illnesses:
All pupil injuries and medication provisions are recorded in school, with certain circumstances requiring a letter to be sent home with the child for parents and carers. These instances are...
⇒ RED LETTERS (popularly coined by children as a 'gingerbread man letter'!) for all head bumps and injuries above the shoulders;
⇒ BLUE LETTERS for nose bleeds, regardless of whether they were caused by a bump or started on their own accord;
⇒ YELLOW LETTERS for any time a Reception child is required to be seen a first aider other than for a head bump or nose bleed (a RED LETTER or BLUE LETTER will instead be issued respectively);
⇒ GREEN LETTERS for whenever any type of inhaler is used;
⇒ PINK LETTERS for any non-inhaler medication given - this usually accompanies the administration of medication form in school.
If you do not wish to receive one of the above letters (for example a GREEN LETTER for each instance your child uses an inhaler before a PE lesson or mile run), please let the school know.