Feedback and Memories
This is a page designed to allow past pupils and parents to share the many experiences and memories they have of their time at Bosbury CE Primary School.
We welcome all feedback from parents, which can be made on the OFSTED Parent View website at
Here are a selection of memories written by our past Year 6 children of their memories during their time at Bosbury School:
I have been at Bosbury for seven years! I still remember walking down the drive for the first time. I have loads of good memories which I will tell you about below.
On my first day of school, when I was walking down the drive with my brother who was in Year 2 at the time, he told me that I had to do the ‘big kid walk’ where you put a foot in front of your waist every time you walked – I did this for most of my first day!
When I was in Reception, I heard a click in my arm and after that I couldn’t move it, which made me think I had broken it! Miss Cooke phoned my mum and took me to hospital. When we got there, I said, “It feels better now!”. As you can guess, I had not actually broken my arm, which my dad is sure to remind me of all the time!
My favourite memory of Year 1 is when a bird flew into the classroom! Miss Townsend screamed and ran out of the room while my friends and I were laughing! Miss Townsend also sat on her yogurt pot that she had left in her chair, and the yoghurt went everywhere!
In Year 2 I was running on the decking and I tripped over. When I looked in the mirror I had a massive black eye! It was so big that I could barely open it, and this time it did not randomly heal like my arm! I then remember looking in the mirror and seeing a red patch on my eye. I asked my mum if I had chipped a bit of it but she replied no - it turned out that I actually had, and she was trying to put my mind off it!
In Year 3 I had one of the best memories of my life. I entered the ‘Bosbury’s Got Talent’ competition thinking I would not win third or second, and definitely not first! For my act I sang ‘Human’ by Rag‘n’Bone Man. When they announced who had finished third and second place, I knew I wouldn’t win anything as these were the places which I was aiming for. They then revealed the first place spot, and with everyone on the edge of their seats (including me!), they then said it… the winner is… ALEX! I was so happy that I cried! I also went to Young Voices that year and it was amazing.
In Year 4 I went on my second residential. My favourite part was when we went on the high ropes, even though I’m scared of heights! While I was up there, I fell off so I was just dangling there upside down, but eventually I found a way to get back up. I was really happy because even though my fear of heights is still there, I am now more comfortable with it.
Also in Year 4 we had a topic on Vikings and Norse Gods. I was really happy because Norse Gods are my favourite gods! We went on a trip dressed up as Vikings where we went into a forest with lizards and snakes, and we even got to build our own base!
Year 5 was my first year with Mr. Thompson. I knew I would like him because my brother did, and my prediction was right! All his jokes were really funny, and he’s just an all-round really cool person. A boy named Segundo also joined our school when I was in Year 5. He was from Argentina and it was quite hard to talk to him as he spoke very little English. The way we communicated with him seemed a little funny as we had to use hand gestures and basic words. I only had half a year in Year 5 because of coronavirus which made us go into lockdown, but I made the most of the time I had.
In Year 6 I tried to make the very most of my last months at Bosbury School. We went on a school camp out, and also went to the zoo! My favourite part about going to the zoo was probably seeing all the animals such as the lions, monkeys, naked mole rats, giraffes, and even a massive anaconda that was bigger than me!
I always used to look up to the Year 6s when I was little, thinking that they were really tall and cool. It’s weird to think that this is now me (well, apart from being tall!), and I have really enjoyed being a Year 6 at the top of the school. Next year however, I’ll be at the bottom of high school!
I will really miss Bosbury and all the staff and friends I have made here. I think I have had the best primary school experience anyone could ever have. I will thank this school for helping me find my talents and helping me to do really amazing stuff. I will miss Bosbury, but I will always treasure the memories I have taken with me.
- Alex
My time at Bosbury has been great. I have made many friends and learnt a lot of things which I will take with me to secondary school. I will share some of the great memories I have of Bosbury with you below.
Now I think about it Reception was ages ago, longer than I can really remember, but there are a few memories which have stuck with me ever since I joined Bosbury School.
In our first year, my best friend Will and I were a bit tired after spending all lunchtime running around the Key Stage 1 playground, and so when we came in, we asked Mrs. Thompson if, for a joke, we could go to sleep in the book corner. She loved us so much however and said yes, so we actually did! We slept through the whole afternoon! It was a memorable experience and playing in the sand pit was also a lot of fun.
In Year 1 our teacher was Miss Townsend, who is now known as Mrs. Wilesmith. On the first school trip our year had ever been on, she got us to go to the zoo and we were all very excited to see what it would be like. We all kept on saying to her, “When is the trip?” and, “When are we going to the zoo?” all week and when the day finally arrived, we were ready straight away. Before the trip though Miss Townsend sat on a pack of six yoghurts and they went everywhere! We all burst out laughing and even though she didn’t look very impressed, we had a lot of fun!
In Year 2 we started to read a book as a class, and at the end of the day the teacher would read us a chapter or two. Our teacher was again Miss Townsend and we were reading ‘The BFG’. She brought in a ‘snozzcumber’ and it was horrible! It tasted like rotten cucumber and broccoli mixed together! I hate broccoli, and I don’t think anyone liked it!
Another big memory I have was when I was in the Key Stage 1 toilets and I heard something in the toilet corridor. I walked out and saw a bird! Bearing in mind that Miss Townsend was absolutely terrified of birds whereas I am fine with them, I walked into the classroom when I was done washing my hands, and you wouldn’t believe how loud Miss Townsend screamed! A few of the children in class screamed as well, but Miss Townsend then sprinted out of the class and on to the decking! As I was standing there confused about what had happened, Miss Townsend told us from outside to “OPEN THE WINDOWS!” and Will, myself and some others opened them. The bird flew outside scaring Miss Townsend again, but when it was gone she came back inside. We all laughed it off while Miss Townsend was breathing incredibly unsteadily in fear!
Another day in Year 2 when we came into the classroom, we found everything trashed and when we looked, we saw a monkey swinging from the lights destroying everything! We found a note telling us to check the cameras, and we started to theorize what it could have been – a monster, Mr. Smith, or even King Kong!
In Year 3 we had just started Key Stage 2, and it felt like we had taken a big step up in the world. As we started however, we realized it was just another normal year, but there were still many great memories we had with our new teacher Mrs. Walker. One of the best memories was a fashion show where we had to make our own costumes at home. My costume was a robot made from a cardboard box. It wasn’t that comfy, but my mum and I were very proud of it as it took us a long time to make it.
I can’t remember if there were any winners and I can’t actually remember many of the actual costumes, but I do remember them being very creative and weird, and we had a lot of fun making them and doing the show. We also made boats for a Science project to test out how well they float in water, determining which features of the boat make it work well and go faster or slower. We did a race in a blow- up pool and mine actually came fourth, although I can’t remember who won!
Another odd memory in Year 3 was when we had these things called ‘glue licences’, which I’m not sure still exist but we got them when we were deemed responsible enough to use our own glue stick! When I say we would do anything to protect our precious glue sticks I mean it – although in hindsight it does sound incredibly sad!
In Year 4 we had a new teacher Mrs. McManus, and the year was great. I remember a few very fun things that we did – I went on my first residential to West Malvern Outdoor Elements and it was amazing, although a few of the activities were quite scary for me. The worst one was this tunnel which was just about big enough to fit us in while crawling, but I have claustrophobia so I despised the idea, and refused to let myself go in there. Eventually however, I did go in with Will and it was terrifying! Most people say that when you try something that you’re scared of you will overcome the fear, but I don’t believe that as when I got out, I vowed never to step foot in that tunnel ever again!
Another one of the activities was going on something called the ‘King Swing’. I was quite scared as it was incredibly high up and I have a relative fear of heights, but I saw other people going on it and it seemed quite fun. I climbed the ladder up the tree, got strapped to the harness, and kept telling myself not to look down. I couldn’t help it however so I looked down and surprisingly it wasn’t that scary; once I got up there and looked down, I realized there wasn’t much to be scared of - I just jumped off and on to the swing and it was amazingly fun! It felt like flying because I could see all my friends way below looking up to see what I was doing. I felt really great when I was on the swing and I wasn’t all that scared as I had conquered my fear. I realized that my fear of heights was quite silly because some things that I did in the air were great fun!
My personal favourite activity on the residential however was a blindfolded obstacle course. Yes, you heard me right – we had one person blindfold us twice and tell us where to go through tight nets, narrow tunnels and grid arrays of wooden planks. I partnered with Will but made the mistake of putting the blindfold on first, so didn’t get to look at the course properly before going in blindfolded! I crashed into many things, but despite all the falling over and hurting myself, it was great fun and when Will tried it went a lot more smoothly because he had already seen the course from when I did it. In fact, I was confused at first as to how he did it so smoothly without me guiding him!
The second time around I had Hayden as my partner, but, figuring out that Will had done it better as he hadn’t gone first, I sounded kind and allowed him to go first, but it was all part of my plan and when he did it he was exceptionally awful (no offence Hayden!), crashing and falling over, but with my guidance he still did better than he would have done!
When it was my turn again, I was a pro and I didn’t crash into many things. Well, I’ll admit I DID collide with a few things and still fell over a few times, but not as much as last time and to be honest Hayden’s guidance wasn’t great (again, no offence Hayden!). It was really fun however and we all enjoyed it.
Another one of the residential activities was the high bridges which was also one of my favourites along with the wall climbing. On the high bridges we had a partner to tell us if we should carry on and to give us encouragement. My partner was Luke - he was a great partner and encouraged me really well.
We got strapped to a harness that was attached to a singular rope, and there were wooden bridges which were quite unsteady. I fell many times and it hurt a bit as the harness was very tight, and it was incredibly hard to get back on the bridge as every time I tried to grab the bridge to get back up it would flop over to the other side and I’d end up pushing myself down. After many hard attempts however, I finally got up by just about managing to reach one of the ropes which were holding the bridge and pulling myself up from there, but it gave me quite a painful friction burn on my hand.
Another part of the high bridges was when there were two wooden platforms being held up by two ropes which were moving back and forth, and we had to time our jumps perfectly and land well. We would fall off a few times, but I managed to eventually get the jump and landing right and make it to the other side! I got to the part where you had to jump from tree to tree, and when we got back to the ground where you had to climb a small wall there was a jump on to a huge net which was maybe 50ft by 50ft in size! Other activities on the residential included archery, further wall climbing, and the quad pole.
In Year 4 we did many other things like going on a Viking trip and making movies about Norse mythology. I produced a video based on a Norse story with some friends and it was great fun. On the trip, they let us make Viking copper necklaces, go on a longboat and taught us about Norse mythology including how the Vikings lived. It was very interesting and I enjoyed it a lot.
In Year 5 we got a new teacher again – Mr. Thompson! I thought I would like him as he is good friends with our family and his son is friends with my brother, and I was right as he was very funny and a good teacher. He did some very fun things with us, including going to London on a school trip! I liked it as it gave me an excuse to not sleep for one night instead of not sleeping and getting told off – my excuse was, “Well I need to pack!”. It was fun as I just watched Marvel movies because I had actually packed the day before! I also played games and then when it was about 5 o’clock in the morning, my mum got up. I wondered why she wasn’t asleep but then I looked at the time and realized we had to leave!
We got to school very early at 5:30am, but I enjoyed it as I sat next to Will at the back of the bus and slept the way there, although Will did tell me that Jake and Archie were trying to wake me up for the whole bus ride! When we got to London it was very interesting however because we went to the Houses of Parliament.
Soon after this we had to go into a national lockdown due to COVID-19, but it was relatively fun getting to do work on my PC and being able to work at my own pace. Will, Hayden and I went on calls on an app called Houseparty and the Zoom calls which we still did with Mr. Thompson were very fun.
During my birthday I got lots of Lego and I played Uno on an app. It was a troublesome time but we managed to make our way through it. We returned to Year 5 for the last month or two, doing a lot of sports before giving the Year 6 children a fun send-off.
In Year 6 we started off the first few months in school again having Mrs. McManus, who was still a very good and funny teacher! Some of my favourite things were going to the zoo and finding information out about wolves and their eventual extinction. I also liked seeing the penguins because they were cute, although it was very sad to hear that they are also going extinct.
Another of my favourite Year 6 memories was when Mark Sanderson came in and we did stop motion animation about the story of Percy Jackson. Will and I did the scene of Percy and Poseidon fighting, and also one that wasn’t based on Percy Jackson but on an evil sea queen.
Sometime later we had these people bring in some big rigging which we would attach ourselves to via harnesses and then to a rope, swinging around and choreographing a dance for ‘Our Man in the Moone’, which is a book about how there might be life on other planets. It was amazing to do and we all loved it.
Not so long later we started rehearsing for our end of year play which was ‘The Lion King’. I auditioned for Scar and Rafiki as a secondary and managed to get the part of Rafiki. We started some really fun rehearsals, and I soon realized that I preferred Rafiki over Scar as there were scenes where I got to hit Alex with a big stick – this wasn’t the only good thing but it was certainly fun!
We then did the dress rehearsal and performed it to the students and it went really well; we didn’t mess up much and we were all very happy with how it went. We then performed it to the children at Jack-in-the-Box Nursery and then finally to our parents and it went great – I think all the hard work during the auditions really paid off.
One last memorable thing was the camp out. We went camping as a class on the field and went on a big walk which was really tiring. We also went up to forest school, had a campfire and played a big game of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’. The camp out was great fun and we all loved it. At the end of the year we also had a party and a water fight!
All of this time at Bosbury has taught me lots of things both academically and personally. It has helped me deal with things that I couldn’t have done without the help and support of great teachers and friends I have met along the way. I will truly miss this school - thank you to everyone for being great.
- Max (the longest and most thorough Bosbury memory yet!)
I remember on my first day of school I was feeling excited and scared at the same time. A few days later I met my best friend Jass. We would play with our toy turtles next to this particular tree every single break.
A couple of weeks went by, and during my first art lesson at Bosbury we were drawing fish for our class topic. I drew a clown fish that looked exactly like ‘Finding Nemo’. We all went to the front of the classroom to place our drawings to dry, and then Miss Townsend came into the room, looked at all the fish and said that she couldn’t believe mine had been drawn by a Key Stage 1 pupil!
Some people then told her that Emily drew it, and I thought I was in trouble as I didn’t know what Key Stage 1 meant! Miss Townsend took me to see Miss Spence to show her my picture, and I got my first Headteacher’s Award!
In Year 3 I remember walking into the classroom and finding a little stick house and stick person. We all went out to break, and when we came back to the classroom, it had been destroyed with tables tipped over and paper everywhere! We also found a dead stick man and a little caterpillar that we all thought was the stick man’s pet. I also remember drawing a logo for the school tea towel that year and I won the competition – I got a massive prize which was lots of new pens!
We also did a fashion show in Year 3 for assembly and I remember making a skirt out of a shirt! There were lots of interesting outfits. My favourite memory in Year 4 was when we were practicing a play which was ‘The Twits’. I was a frog in the background but I had a nosebleed just before going on stage!
I also remember in Year 5 going on one of my favourite trips to the Roman Baths. I remember seeing people with masks and just finding out about the virus. Everyone was so scared and Mrs. McManus did a speech, telling us that it was nothing to worry about. Sadly however, a few weeks went by and we were in lockdown!
In Year 6, lots of exciting things happened, but my favourite thing was camping on our school field. Jass and I slept in my tent, but our tent was on top of an ants’ nest! I picked up this bag and ants crawled everywhere – they were coming from a small hole in the back of the tent! Jass, Flo, Eva. Eddie, Will, Max, Odette, Bethany and Charlotte all got their sliders and were smacking all of the ants – we covered the hole with masking tape but it didn’t really work, because in the middle of the night we had another ant invasion!
We also went to the zoo and I loved seeing the monkeys and the naked mole rats. I will really miss Bosbury School.
- Emily
At the start of my Bosbury experience, after nursery had ended my brothers and I walked down for my first day! As soon as I stepped foot in the classroom I made a friend straight away which was Max, and my journey had begun!
Reception was a long time ago – seven years to be exact. My favourite memory was when Max and I were a bit tired so we asked Mrs. Thompson if we could go to sleep in the book corner as a joke, but she actually said yes – so we did! We slept through the whole afternoon and are mums had to come and wake us up after school – it was quite funny!
This one isn’t such a great memory, but in Year 1 I had my arm in-between a couple of poles in the gate of the Key Stage 1 playground, but what I didn’t know was that my arm was placed where the hinges were, and so the gate would squeeze my arm! When the gate was opened, the other children were pushing on it so it went even tighter on my arm – I started feeling very faint and an ambulance had to be called to school! They took my blood pressure and I had nearly broken my arm!
In Year 2, we were reading ‘The BFG’ and Miss Townsend brought in a ‘snozzcumber’. I was sick in the toilet and let’s just say that it wasn’t very nice! Another memory I have was when a bird flew through our decking and into the toilets – Max opened the door because he went to the loo and then the bird flew into the classroom! Miss Townsend screamed and ran out the other door and we all burst out laughing before opening the window so the bird could fly out!
In Year 3 we did a great fashion show, and although the costumes were quite weird it was good fun. This year was also my first year in Key Stage 2 so we got to go on the Key Stage 2 playground with the bigger children, which was quite a big change from being the oldest in the playground to now the youngest and smallest. It was quite overwhelming but it was nice to have a bit more space on the playground with more things to do.
In Year 4 we went on a Viking trip and made a copper necklace along with other things. It was quite fun as we went on a walk and learnt about the storyline of the world from cavemen to the present day.
Also in Class 4 we went on a residential – it was incredibly good fun as we went on a really high zip line and it was very quick - in fact it ended in a flash! There was another activity called the quad pole where four people had to climb to the top and then stay on a tiny platform with all four up there at once! It was harder than it sounds because there is a pole and then there’s the platform that you have to climb up and around to get on the top, which was the hardest part about it. The amount of activities there were to do was actually mad, but it was so fun for the couple of days we were there. We did everything that was possible to even try and do.
In Year 5 it was the first year in my whole time at school that we had a male teacher. This teacher was Mr. Thompson, the teacher that my brothers were talking so much about so I knew I was in for a treat. What can I say, the first day I knew I was right because he was funny and worked us hard. When we had PE we played cricket and all of my favourite sportswith a good sports teacher who had amazing humour – they were good times.
Also in this year we had Reception buddies. My buddy was Archie Blandford – he was very playful, fun and always happy. One day I was tidying up the cricket stuff from PE and it was ‘Buddy Time’. Archie went to Alex and said that he was sad that he couldn’t find me, but when Alex showed him to me he ran over smiling and laughing! He also hugged me and we went and played football with Max and Albert.
Then we all went into lockdown. The weather was lovely so it wasn’t too bad, but my mum made me do quite a lot of work and we did a Zoom call every Wednesday. We couldn’t go anywhere and it was quite annoying, but this was the point of lockdown - just staying inside so that the virus couldn’t spread even if it still happened.
Year 6 was my last year of primary school. It was quite odd because we had another two-month lockdown, but I was talking to my friends this time and we had two Zooms every day, apart from Friday when we had one.
After that we went to the zoo and had a camp out as well - they were both very good fun. At the zoo we saw all of my favourite animals apart from dolphins, but it was still a really great day. During the camp out Max, Eddie, Alex, Hayden and I were all in my tent and we did a lot of activities.
We also did our end of year play which was ‘The Lion King’, and to be fair it was quite a good performance. We also had a water fight, got our leavers’ hoodies, and we practised our Year 6 end-of-year song with a dance.
And so this is my story of Bosbury School which is ending here. What will happen in high school? I will have to find out! I will miss Bosbury.
- Will
There are many great memories I will take with me from Bosbury, including all the little things like seeing Mr. Smith in the morning and our swag way of saying, “Hi!”, and all my jokes with the teachers.
I still remember moving school and skipping Year 1 in Class 1 and going into Class 2. In Year 2 I met my best friends Emily, Eva and Flo. We would play with our teddy turtles at our favourite tree and just sat there talking all break!
Throughout Class 3 there were many arguments and fall-outs that I now look at and laugh at, because they were all caused by the stupidest things! I loved having Mrs. Walker as my teacher and learning all about her musical talents.
I have many memories about Class 4 and 5 and all of our cool school trips. Our school trip to the Roman Baths was soooo much fun, but everyone there was wearing masks and we were so confused – little did we know that this was the start of a global pandemic that caused us to have online school. I also remember going camping with the class and some of the children in Class 4, and the amount of snacks that were taken out of people’s bags was just hilarious!
In June in Year 6 we did a real dance and made our own routines, performing them in front of the whole school for the ‘Our Man in the Moone’ project. In July we then practised our play ‘The Lion King’ and finally got to perform it to Jack-in-the-Box Nursery, Key Stage 1 and the parents. Odette, Emily and I were wearing funny giraffe costumes – we put on sunglasses and headphones and went to bow!
I remember always looking up at the Year 6s and thinking that they were so cool and grown-up, and it’s weird to think that I’m now in that place and will be soon be leaving for high school.
I will miss being taught by Mrs. McManus very much, and I will miss Mr. Ponter and his sense of humour and always making me laugh. I also cannot forget Mr. Handy for finally helping me find something I am passionate about in PE.
Bosbury has taught me to respect all and to have courage. I will cherish my time here and all my memories that I have made.
- Jass
Seven years ago, I was bustling with excitement as I skipped down the drive for the very first time. I have so many memories, but where do I start? Well, probably in Reception!
I remember playing in the wooden sandpit and getting sand everywhere! I would sit on the grass and watch the older children play, and I remember thinking that they were the coolest people in the world because they got to sit on the bench in assembly and play on the huge field!
I was likely the smallest in my class as I had just turned four in July, so everyone else in school (especially the teachers!) seemed like giants! In Year 1, I remember writing five lines of squiggles in my book because I had seen it in a cartoon! Gosh, I got into so much trouble!
In Year 2, I had Miss Townsend (now Mrs. Wilesmith). The first thing I thought of when I remembered Year 2 was when they ran out of roles for the Nativity play and added the Spice Girls! I was Baby Spice and wore a feather boa, but when the performance was over, all of the feathers had fallen off!
We also did some tests in Year 2. I needed some extra help which I was NOT happy about, but I was so proud of myself when I finished the test! One of the funniest memories I have was when there was a video of a monkey in Class 2! It was obviously CGI but I didn’t know what CGI was back then, and we all thought it was Mr. Smith in a monkey costume!
In Year 3, I really explored my love of music because my teacher at the time was Mrs. Walker. We learnt how to play the recorder and all had our own recorder number. In Class 3 EVERYONE wanted a glue license, and no-one would let you even touch their precious glue sticks! I remember we also did a fashion show, but it wasn’t an ordinary fashion show – it was a fashion show with clothes made out of recycling!
Year 4 was awesome! We put on a production of ‘The Twits’ at the Courtyard Theatre in Hereford. We did a topic on Vikings and got to dress up as them! We also had a lesson on Romans, and someone came in and taught us how to battle other soldiers! I also loved doing Young Voices that year as it was an amazing experience! My favourite part was when everyone put on their little lights and it looked like a night sky! We did a huge Mexican wave which looked really cool!
I also did my first residential in Year 4, which I absolutely loved! I remember going on the rope bridge from tree to tree (obviously I had a harness!), and I decided to dangle from the rope bridge in mid-air! I was waving to everyone underneath and it was so much fun!
I don’t remember much from Year 5, but I remember when we went to the Roman Baths and learnt about the people who used them. We also went to Porthcawl and found out more about the war and how people were forced to live during that time. We didn’t go there just for learning however – we had fish and chips too!
A few months after that we went into lockdown. It was so annoying that we couldn’t see our friends and I found it really hard because we didn’t really have a routine – it was just a bit of ‘do this and do that’! We did have a day however when we all had that funny socially-distanced end-of-term party where we all had to dance in a Hula hoop!
When we finally came out of lockdown it was so odd because everyone was socially-distanced and all the teachers wore masks 24/7… and then we went back into lockdown! This time we were more prepared however, having learning apps like Seesaw and Zoom. I felt like I wrote one of my best stories in lockdown because I was free to take breaks, and I wasn’t in a school environment where everyone was basically writing about the same topic. I’m really proud of that story and I still have it today. We then finally came back to school, and this time we were here to stay!
I was so excited to be in Year 6, but when we got into the term it was actually pretty normal. The most memorable thing about being a Year 6 was probably doing the camping trip! I loved the camping! My tent was too small so Charlotte, Bethany and I got to stay in a bigger school tent all to ourselves! We also ordered food from The Bell!
In addition, we went to the zoo! We got to go inside the lemur enclosure, and one tried to eat my shoelaces while another jumped on Jass’ backpack! They were much cuter than I thought and were so fluffy!
I also loved doing the aerial dance! We would just fly around on harnesses and it was so much fun – we got to choreograph our own routines! We found out what our end-of-year play was going to be early because we were going to do a massive performance of ‘The Lion King’! We practised for weeks but when we finally did it I felt so proud of myself!
When I started at Bosbury I wouldn’t have dreamed of going on stage and performing my part in a play, let alone coming up to the front of the Year 6 Leavers’ assembly and reading my speech!
I will miss everyone I am leaving behind – I will miss Mr. Smith saying good morning to me at the gate and most of all, I will miss the people who have guided me through primary school and helped me get to where I am today. I haven’t just learnt Maths and English here at Bosbury – I have also learnt to be kind and to respect people.
I’ll take all of these things with me when I walk up the drive for the last time.
- Eva
When starting at Bosbury for the first time I was walking down the drive, not knowing I would be doing this all the way until Year 6! On my first day I was brave and shy at the same time but when I walked into the classroom I made some new friends. I also knew that my sister and cousins would always be there to help me if I got stuck.
Year 1 was really fun because I would meet more new friends including my best friend Olly, who I would always have fun with. We had wars and prisons in the willow dome, building doors out of milk crates! Someone also took my toy in Class 1, but they did give it back!
We would look to the older children and say they are the best because they had a massive field to play on. Before COVID, we would have lunch and Mr. Ponter would call out that Key Stage 1 were allowed on the field today! We also went on a school trip to a farm where we rode around on a tractor.
In Year 2, 99 Club started and I was on the 22 Club, although I tried to tell our teacher Miss Townsend that I was actually on the 88 Club! We also saw the whole classroom in a mess one day with tables tipped over, and we thought either a monkey or Mr. Smith in a monkey outfit had done it, but it wasn’t! We also tried eating ‘snozzcumber’ – none of us liked it, but then again who would like it?
When we entered Year 3 lots of us said that we missed Class 1 and 2 when we used to have stories all the time. In Class 3 however we had a fashion show, as well as a challenge to see who would build the best boat. Mine was made out of a milk bottle and I don’t think it went that far! We also had glue licenses and made sure that no-one touched our glue sticks!
In Class 4 people either went to the Young Voices concert or to a festival, but on that very day I had to have my eye looked at! We then did a topic in Class 4 with Mrs. McManus and I found a chest. We went back to class to open it up and there was an egg inside of it – the class believed that it was a dragon egg and we did a pot of fairness, with people being allowed to take the egg home every day if their name was read out. We also went to Porthcawl in Year 4 and had fish and chips by the seaside!
In Year 5 we had Mr. Thompson, with the Year 6s from last year also being in our class. Mr. Thompson would always give us nicknames, and he called Annie a walrus! I liked learning new facts about World War I and II.
Year 6 was amazing because we had Sports Day, a cricket tournament, a camp out on the field and a trip to the zoo. We saw a massive anaconda which was bigger than me! It also hailed a lot during one forest school session, and getting our Year 6 hoodies was really fun.
A lady called Rachel also came in to perform ‘Our Man in the Moone’ with us with an aerial dance. We all learned new tricks and even though when I didn’t want to do it at first, I was very proud of myself when I did!
We then did ‘The Lion King’ play and even though Alex as Simba had a little stumble, it was a good performance. It was one of the best ever, although the play before that ‘Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits’ was also really funny. The water fight we did at the end of Year 6 was also really cool!
It’s strange to think that all the Year 6s have grown up from Class 1 and are going to high school this year.
- Lewis
I have so many great memories of my time at Bosbury, and so I am going to share my experiences of Bosbury Primary School.
In Reception, my teacher was Mrs. Thompson and the TA was Miss Spilsbury. I joined the school around Easter from a school called Juniper Hill. I came to school for the first time in hat, scarf and gloves and I was too shy to talk! I was very nervous when I joined Bosbury, but in no time I was made to feel at home.
I remember being in the little garden and sand pit in Class 1, watching Key Stage 2 play and thinking that they were so cool – it was like they were celebrities!
In Year 1 I stayed down in Class 1 and met two of my newfound best friends, Luke Hall and Sam. We always sat next to each other at lunch, and even had cute nicknames for each other! This brings me to a memory I have never forgotten. At Bosbury, we had a talent show called ‘Bosbury’s Got Talent’. Mrs. Thompson asked me if I wanted to audition and I thought I should just give it a go, even though I didn’t really have a clue what I was doing! As I stepped on to the stage, I told my joke: “What’s the difference between bogies and vegetables? Children eat bogies!”
After about five seconds, the whole school was laughing! I didn’t know what was happening! I knew I probably wouldn’t win, but somehow I got third place! Later on that year was my first ever Sports Day. I was on the yellow team and we won!
In Year 2 we had Miss Townsend, but most of you will now know her as Mrs. Wilesmith. Every day before home time and in the afternoon, she read the class a book. We read ‘The Witches’, ‘The BFG’ and ‘Esio Trot’. As part of ‘The BFG’ topic, we tried snozzcumbers which were a mixture of cucumbers and courgettes. I tried one and I was almost sick! I was also a shepherd in the Nativity that year.
In Year 3, we started off for the first time in the Key Stage 2 playground and we thought we had taken a gigantic step up in life, but really we were just starting a normal year at Bosbury. I had Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Turnbull and Mrs. Christopherson. In Class 3 we had a fashion show for our class assembly using recycling - I dressed up as a Rubik’s Cube made out of painted cardboard boxes!
We also had our first residential, and one of the activities was a blindfolded obstacle course where your partner had to guide you through obstacles while you were completely blindfolded! As you can probably guess, I fell over quite a few times!
We also did the Young Voices concert and it was an amazing experience. I loved it when everyone waved their torches and did a giant Mexican wave – it was really cool! Everyone was also so desperate for their glue licences in Class 3 and would never let anyone touch their precious glue sticks!
In Year 4, we had Mrs. McManus who had only just became Deputy Head at Bosbury. She was nice, funny and a good listener. We had another residential where we did archery, the quad pole and, as with every residential, a dorm inspection where your group had to perform for the inspectors as well as having the room inspected. My group won!
Later that year, our topic was Vikings and we got to dress up like them for the day. We also acted like Vikings and did den-building on a school trip, and we took it in turns to take home a dragon egg if we got picked to do so. I twisted my ankle that year which wasn’t the best memory, but I met two more of my best friends, Owen and Conor. We also did ‘The Twits’ performance at the Courtyard Theatre in Hereford, and I was Mr. Twit and the Roly-Poly Bird.
In Year 5 we had Mr. Thompson who was generous, sarcastic and had a great sense of humour – if you got on the right side of it, that is! During the Transition Day into Year 5, he showed us a really weird cartoon alien and told us it was Mr. Smith! Mr. Thompson always told us jokes that everyone laughed at.
We had a football tournament where I was goalkeeper, as well as a tag rugby tournament. We also went to The Guardian Headquarters and the Houses of Parliament in London.
We then went into lockdown and every Friday we had a Zoom call where we did a quiz, and had to draw stuff without looking. In Year 6, our final year of primary started. We had Mrs. McManus again and went to the zoo, and had a camp out at school where we got to do lots of fun activities. I was in a tent with Sam, Luke, Olly, Conor and Tristan. It was really hard to sleep because the church bells went off every hour!
We also did aerial dancing on the rigging as part of the ‘Our Man in the Moone’ project, and mum organized our Year 6 Leavers’ hoodies being handed out. We had our end-of-year production of ‘The Lion King’ and it was really fun – I was Zazu. We also had a really fun water fight!
I will never forget the amazing memories of my time at Bosbury, and I appreciate the teachers for always being there for me. Thank you for making sure I get a good education, and I will take all of the skills I have learnt with me to high school. I want to thank Miss Spence for being a great Headteacher, and Mrs. McManus for being a great Deputy Head.
- Ollie
I was walking to school down the drive on my first day with my knees shaking but with my sister who gave me confidence. She told me I would know a few people there.
In Reception, I had Mrs. Thompson and Miss Spilsbury. I have lots of good memories, as well as a few bad ones! My worst memory in Reception was when someone put sand in my eye and I had to have eye drops which Mr. Dunn put in for me! One of my best memories however was when we went to a farm with the whole class and I got to milk a cow!
In Year 1 I again had good memories and bad. I will never forget the bad memory where I was winning a race on the playground, and the pupil that was losing tripped me up and I hit my head on the blue metal bars, cracking it open! I also had one really fun memory which was when we went to the zoo and our teacher Miss Townsend sat on her chair – little did she know that there were yoghurt pots there covered by paperwork, and the yoghurt exploded on her when she sat on it!
In Year 2 I had the same teacher as I did in Year 1. A great memory was when we went to the beach and had ICE CREAM! A bad memory at the beach however was when someone did a cartwheel and their foot hit me in the face! We did however get to go in the sea up to knee-height.
Near the end of the year, Miss Townsend got married and her surname changed to Wilesmith. It was weird calling her Mrs. Wilesmith at first, but I soon got used to it.
In Year 3 we had Mrs. Walker for our teacher, and she introduced us to the recorders. I would say I was about average at playing the recorder. On Monday afternoon and Tuesday all day Mrs. Turnbull mostly did art with us, and we also went up to forest school and made acorn necklaces for Mother’s Day. For our assembly, we did a junk fashion show and I remember that I wore Walkers crisps for a jacket with bin bag trousers.
In Year 4 we had a new teacher called Mrs. McManus, and our first topic was the Vikings. We went outside and found a chest and there was a dragon egg inside! We took it in turns to take the egg home, and I can remember that I put the egg by the fire but there wasn’t a dragon inside! We also went to a wood during the Vikings topic and dressed up in Viking costumes.
At the end of the year I can remember all my friends were going up to Class 5 and I was the only Year 5 boy in Class 4, but at least I still had Jass, Emily (who we called Mimi), and Eva.
In Year 5, I knew there were no other Year 5 boys in Class 4, but I still got to see my friends in Class 5 at play and at lunch. Our topic was the Romans and we got to go to the Roman Baths, where we drank mineral water which I didn’t like!
Halfway through Year 5 was Covid, which everyone now knows and hates. It was hard working at home and we had Zoom calls at 8:30am and 1:00pm. I can’t believe that we were off school for half a year!
Year 6 was one of my favourite years, but the bad thing about this year was that we were off school for another two months. When we came back however we did many fun things like a Year 5 and 6 camp out. I was in a tent with Will, Max, Hayden and Alex. A few ants invaded our tent, but it wasn’t a huge invasion!
We then put on a play called ‘The Lion King’ and I was Timon the meerkat. It was my favourite performance yet! A few weeks before that we had an Art Week which was really fun as we performed an aerial dance, doing cool tricks including Will and I doing a partner front flip. We also had a water fight in school just before we left.
I will really miss Bosbury, especially my friends in Year 5 who are now going up to Year 6.
- Eddie
My time at Bosbury has been an amazing rollercoaster with many adventures, and so I’ll start with where it all began.
In my first year at school I was very nervous as it was a new chapter in my life. Mrs. Thompson was very nice and kindhearted, and she would always plan fun lessons. I made so many new friends that year playing in the sandpit, making castles, running around and playing tag in the tiny willow dome. We would do all sorts of things in the playhouse and even have parties!
My second year at school was a big step up from the last. We had a new teacher called Miss Townsend, now known as Mrs. Wilesmith, who was very enthusiastic about English as she was especially good at it. We would always do story maps to help us remember plots of stories so we could write our own like them. Like every year, we had some very good trips such as going to the pantomime and watching a really good performance. The best trip was where we all went to Barry Island in South Wales where we went in the sea up to knee-height. A very cool part was when we saw jellyfish which were all different shapes with beautiful colours. The trip to the beach was just so fun and we saw some amazing animals.
The funniest moment I have had in this school was when ,Miss Townsend was coming back into the classroom, and when she was about to sit down there was a packet of yoghurts and they exploded everywhere! We burst out laughing!
Year 2 was another good year with some iconic moments like when a ‘snozzcumber’ was brought into school and it was disgusting. People were sick – it was horrible! Another funny part of the year was when Max was in the toilet and when he came back in the classroom, a bird flew in and Miss Townsend ran out screaming and we were all laughing our heads off – it was so funny! Then there was a CGI monkey who trashed the classroom, and when we came back in after investigating the classroom was still a wreck!
Year 3 was a new class with a new teacher – Mrs. Walker who was soooo nice. It was also a very musical year and we learned the recorder. We performed in a fashion show and my outfit was a Doritos jacket and hat.
The best part of the year was when we had the residential. We did all sorts of things like the high bridges which were indeed very high, and it was really fun. Another activity was the quad pole where you would climb up a pole and stand up, but it would also wobble! There was also the zip line where we would climb a tree and get pushed off it!
In Year 4 a new teacher came to the school, Mrs. McManus. She was very nice and really arty. We had a topic on Vikings which was very fun. We made films about Vikings and mine was about the foods which they ate – it was fabulous!
That year we did another residential where we did extra activities like the ‘King Swing’, which was a really high swing where you could touch the trees – it was cool. There was also a pitch black tunnel where we did not know where we were going. Our dorms were also really good and some of my friends were in there.
Year 5 was an amazing and sporty year. We had Mr. Thompson who was very nice and told lots of jokes, making up nicknames for a lot of people like me who he called ‘Tallulah Fallulah’ – it was so funny! We would do a lot of sport nearly every day.
A fun trip was when we went to London and we had to get to school at 5:30 in the morning. It took four hours to get there, but we went to The Guardian newspaper and did some work on fake news, before taking a trip to the Houses of Parliament and going on a tour around all of the places there including the House of Commons. COVID-19 sadly ruined half of the year, but we still did Zoom calls where we did blind drawing and quizzes which were so fun.
Year 6 was a jam-packed year. Our first topic was the Victorians and we learned about Dr. Barnardo and how he helped people by setting up a free school for poor people. We did some big Victorian-style drawings!
We also did an aerial dance which was so fun, performing a show called ‘Our Man in the Moone’. We also went to the zoo where we saw some amazing animals like lions, giraffes and leopards. The camp out was also really fun – we went on a very long walk and played a lot of football, watched a film and rode around on scooters! We also did some Lego animations which were about Percy Jackson and one that we could make up.
The biggest thing happened when we did ‘The Lion King’ play. It took so many hours to perfect it, but in the end it was great and successful.
My time at Bosbury has been so fun, and I would like to thank the teachers – they have helped me so much and I will miss Bosbury.
- Hayden
I have many wonderful memories from Bosbury Primary School, but there are some that stand out most. I would therefore like to share some of my favourite ones.
I can still remember the day I walked down the school drive, feeling really nervous and wondering if I was going to fit in or make any friends. During Year 4 I was emigrating from South Africa to the UK, and it wasn’t easy leaving family and friends. I was cheered up a lot however by Mrs. McManus’ funny humour and the new friends I had made.
I really enjoyed performing the Roald Dahl story ‘The Twits’ in the pantomime in Mrs. McManus’ class – I was a tree! A year later I became a dual citizen, and in Year 5 I had Mr. Thompson as a teacher and he was awesome. He was funny, kind, understanding and always cheered me up when I was feeling down.
Most of Year 5 however was spent in lockdown, and during this time we had Zoom calls every Wednesday. In these calls, Mr. Thompson would make us draw the funniest things with our eyes closed, and they would always end up in a mess!
My favourite memory from Class 5 was when South Africa won the Rugby World Cup and Mr. Thompson made some really funny jokes about Faf de Klerk. Playing tag rugby with Mr. Thompson was also really fun as well.
Year 6 has been the best, with so many fun things happening such as ‘The Lion King’ play, which was really memorable as I was Mufasa. The school camp out and zoo trip were also great - my favourite animal was the tapir.
I have learnt so many wonderful things in this school, and I will be sure to take all this knowledge to secondary school. I will always miss all the amazing teachers and my friends with their wonderful personalities.
- Conor
I have many good memories of Bosbury School, but some memories stand out the most. I remember the time when I first joined the school – I didn’t know what or where anything was, until I met my BFF Jamie who was and still is really fun to play with.
I also remember when I won Bosbury’s Got Talent 2019 by singing the song ‘Never Been Better’ by Olly Murs. The whole school went wild and it was amazing; I also got a certificate for winning the competition.
The best memory of all however was the time when Jamie and I dug a massive hole at forest school and made it into a trap. It worked but in a bad way because we actually got stuck in the trap instead of the other team! It was hilarious and we got covered in muddy water. - Tommy
When I started at Bosbury School I first met Toby. He was very kind and funny! I made the boys laugh by teaching them a rude word, it was so funny and we still laugh about it now. - Segundo
My favourite three memories from Bosbury School were at Malvern Elements Outdoor Centre when we were supposed to go to sleep and I knocked on the wall next to my bed. Jamie went to answer it but no-one was there, and everyone was knocking on the wall for the next two hours and no-one could get to sleep. The next day everybody was really tired!
My second favourite memory was at Ledbury Rugby Club in a tournament that was a Year Five and Six competition but we were actually Year Four. Year Six couldn’t go because they were on a residential - it was hammering it down with rain for the whole day and we got soaked. Our gazebo had a hole in it and it was like a shower! Mr Smith kept telling us off for making the hole bigger and was asking us to stop! We won most of our matches though.
My third favourite memory was at Bosbury Beach when we went swimming in the river. I went straight in and then everybody else went in but it was really cold! - Archie
My fondest memory of Bosbury is when I became the football captain in Year 6. Unfortunately, we did not played many games because of the epidemic.
I joined Bosbury in Year 3 and was excited because of all the sport opportunities it had to give. I've loved the football and running the mile run. - Owen
I have loved Year 6 so much. I loved everything but here are the stories that I found the most fun.
In Year 2 instead of the camp-out at school we went to the beach instead. Scarlet got loads of sun cream out all over her and she went and lay in the sand. When she got back on the coach, she looked like a sand monster!
This year Mrs. Bolton brought in some hard sweets and we went to Bosbury Beach. We were all sat on a tree as we all ate the sweets, but then Annie said, “My tooth is stuck in the sweet!” We all laughed and said, “No it hasn’t!” but she showed us the sweet and the tooth was actually sticking out of it!
We then went down to forest school and it was nice and sunny as we all toasted marshmallows. Suddenly it started raining and we had to go and make a shelter really quickly. We made the shelter and then it stopped raining so we went back out, but then it started again! When we all got back to school, we were soaked!
I will miss you Bosbury and all the laughs and smiles. Thank you for everything you have taught me, I will never forget it. – Esme
One of my oldest memories from school was when I met Ben and it all was good, until I discovered that he likes STAR WARS! After that all I could remember for about two years was the word, WAR!
A funny memory was also when Jamie, Tommy, Ben, Charlie, Harry and I all decided we were sick of school and were going to dig a hole, hijack our parents’ vehicles and drive to McDonalds. Well… spoiler alert! We got stopped by Mrs Fitzpatrick!
Last but not least, my final memory was in Year 4 when we were practising for the Courtyard Theatre production, but I sprained my ankle so I couldn’t go. In Year 5 however I had the chance to go again, but during the last few days of rehearsals I was sick, so I COULDN’T GO… AGAIN!! - Luke
One of my favourite memories was when we went on the Class 4 residential because I was about to have a shower but Ruby went in it before me and she left her wash bag and toothbrush, so when I went in I threw her stuff over the top of the door and the toothbrush almost flew out of the window!
In Year 2 we went to the beach instead of camping out on the school field and Scarlet got plastered in sun cream! She rolled around in the sand and when she got back up she looked like a sand monster!
In Year 3 Daisy, Annie and I auditioned for Bosbury’s Got Talent and we did a Cleopatra song and dance. When we were getting into our costumes I was doing my make-up and it smudged and Daisy got really upset and started crying, but luckily Miss Earl (the student teacher) fixed it. Phew! And then we won – YAY!
In Year 5 Annie really wanted to get the part of the genie in the production of ‘Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits’. She was slightly scared and asked me if I would audition for the part of the narrator Alakazam so I did. Guess what though? Annie didn’t get the part she wanted and as Annie is a very good singer and so I thought I wouldn’t get the part, but I did! I was very worried I would forget my lines – I did get a couple mixed up but I did alright apart from that.
In Year 6 it was a bit weird as the virus called Covid-19 had broken out. There wasn’t school for like how long and we had to do ten weeks of homeschooling. As I’m writing this now however we are back in school. It’s really fun but the sad thing is we are not doing the residential, the production, loads of sporting events and more, but we did get to do the Year 6 fun day and I was super excited! – Eva
One of my great memories was going to Clissett Wood and taking my friends in my Dad’s Range Rover and using the pole lathe. This was one of my favourite things. - Jake
This year at Bosbury School was very strange, but we still had fun!
My favourite memory for this year was when we went to London. I remember getting up really early and going to school, and when we got on the bus, we all raced to the back seats - luckily I managed to get one! I then fell asleep on the way and the next thing I remember is waking up when we had arrived!
My second favourite memory of this year was Bosbury Beach! We went down to the beach and had a picnic on the bank. When we went swimming in the water it was really deep and came up to our shoulders! We then sunbathed in the orchard where it was really hot.
I will really miss this school and I am sad to leave but I am ready to move on. Thank you Bosbury for all your help and support! – Scarlet
My favourite memory of Bosbury School was when we went to the Westons tag rugby tournament in Ledbury last year. I really enjoyed it because we beat every team in our group and qualified for the final. We finished third overall out of all the schools in Herefordshire, and it felt really good because Bosbury had never got out of the group stages before.
I also loved going to the Imperial War Museum in London. They had a Supermarine Spitfire and a Harrier Jump-Jet hanging from the ceiling. There was also a Hawker Hurricane, Avro Lancaster, T-55 Soviet tank, armoured cars, a life-size replica of a First World War trench, and even an atomic bomb.
It was the best school trip I’ve ever been on! - Arthur
My favourite memory is when I saw Tommy all alone on the first day and no-one wanted to play with him. I walked over to him, put my hand on his shoulder, helped him up and then we went over to the trees. We found that we had a lot in common and we became best friends forever.
I remember being in forest school and Tommy and I dug a trench. On that same day it was raining so our trench filled with water, and then all of a sudden a big gust of wind came and blew us into the trench - we were coated head to toe in mud! We both laughed and then the mud started to dry up and we both got mud down our back.
I’m going to miss all my friends and all the teachers and TAs, but I’m going to miss Bosbury School more. Thank you for teaching me everything I know. - Jamie
When Luke and I were in Year 1 we used to argue over which was better – Star Wars or Spider-Man! We wouldn’t talk to each other for the rest of the week and this went on for the rest of the year!
I really enjoyed going to the Courtyard Theatre in Year 4. We performed Fantastic Mr. Fox in front of hundreds of people and it was a very fun day.
In Year 6 we went to London for the day. We had to wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning! We got taught how to spot fake news by people from The Guardian newspaper before we got a tour around the Houses of Parliament which was very interesting.
I also enjoyed the American Diner in Class 3 as the food was amazing! Thank you Bosbury – Ben
I have enjoyed being at Bosbury, it is a great school and it has been the best four years of my life.
I very much enjoyed spending time with my Class 1 buddies as they were so much fun to play with. All the residentials where so much fun and I had so much fun playing with my friends.
I will miss Bosbury, thank you everyone! - Ruby
My best memory was when we were on the residential in Year 4 at Malvern Outdoor Elements Centre. It was lights out time and Mr. Ponter came into our room, telling us all to go to bed. As he walked out of the room, somebody asked what we should do if we needed the toilet. He replied that we should just quickly go to the loo without waking anyone up. Hayden then asked if we were not to shout if we needed the loo and Mr. Ponter replied, “No!”
As he closed the door and walked off, Tommy stood up and shouted, “Guys I need the loo!” and everybody started laughing as he walked out of the room and went to the loo. We did this for an hour all going to the loo several times, until eventually we fell asleep at what must have been 2am in the morning. I then heard a whisper in my ear, “I need to go to the loo!” and I didn’t get to sleep for the next hour… thanks Tommy!
Thank you for all of the happy, exciting and fun memories you have given me. - Toby
On my first day I was excited to see my new school. Mrs. Fitzpatrick was there at the gate welcoming me in and I felt so grown up. I quickly made friends with Jas, Jess and Dolly. Dolly and I always raced to see who could get the most stamps in our stamp books.
In Year 2 we went to the beach at Barry Island. The sand was boiling! I dug a massive hole in the sand but then fell in it! Sophie then went into the sea and was soaking! On Sports Day that year I was crying because I didn’t want to do the bean bag race. Mr. Thompson said I could cheat by putting it under my cap but I didn’t do it anyway.
The day before I went into Key Stage 2 I was scared, but everything turned out fine. For Bosbury’s Got Talent in Year 3, Annie, Eva and I did a Cleopatra dance, and we won! I felt like such a ‘big kid’. We also went to the circus and had candy floss, but it didn’t last long!
In Year 4 we did Fantastic Mr. Fox and I was Bean. It was so fun but I remember the nerves before going up on stage. One time at forest school Annie, Eva, Jas and I got paint on our face and Mr. Dunn said it wouldn’t come off! I started crying but luckily it did come off. We also had a water fight and Annie and Eva put their pants in the hand dryer! On my birthday we went to Clissett Wood and it was so much fun!
I did my first production in Class 5 – it was so fun! We were doing ‘Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits’ and I was a maid and a bandit. We had a buffet that year as well and I was allowed to go first because I was a vegetarian!
My Year 6 was changed because of Covid-19, but I was able to come back in June. We still had our water fight and our Year 6 leavers’ day. We went to Bosbury Beach and Annie got her tooth stuck in a sweet!
I will miss you Bosbury, thank you for everything. If my time at Bosbury has taught me anything, it is to not take anything for granted. - Daisy
My favourite memory was performing in Fantastic Mr Fox at the Courtyard Theatre in Year 4. It improved my confidence as I had fifteen lines to remember.
I will miss my friends and all of the teachers. - Jess
I couldn’t pick just one memory from Bosbury, so here are a few of my favourites:
I remember my first day at Bosbury. As I walked into the playground which felt so giant, I was in such a rush to get to my new school that I forgot to put on my glasses! The next day I remembered them, and everyone thought that I was another new girl!
In Year 3 on Sports Day I was wearing a hat in the running race – I was in the lead but then my hat flew off my head and I lost the race as I had to go back and get it! I was really embarrassed but it didn’t really matter as our yellow team won Sports Day in the end!
When I was in Year 4 we went on our first ever residential! I felt so grown up even though I got home sick on the first night but it was really fun after. There was some creepy writing on our bunk beds and we tried to solve the mystery like we were detectives! I also remember in Year 4 all the boys started a craze to tie their hair like pony tails! We laughed for ages! I was also really proud of myself when I was nominated for the Eco Council during that year.
In Year 6 most of my time was spent at home during the Coronavirus pandemic when we were on lockdown. I missed my friends but I was glad to go back to school after three months of being stuck at home. We still had to social distance at school though, and we had to use antibacterial wipes and spray on EVERYTHING!
When we were back at school our bubble went down to the stream and my tooth fell out after eating a hard sweet! The tooth wasn’t even wobbly! When we were stuck in isolation we did a virtual Bosbury’s Got Talent with Esme, Eva, Scarlet, Ollie and I editing a video, and we won!
Although isolation was boring and sad, it helped me to try out new things with extra time on my hands.
Bosbury School has helped me out massively in so many ways. I will miss you Bosbury – thank you. – Annie
My favourite memory of Bosbury is forest school. I looked forward to it every week. I enjoyed being out side and using the tools.
Once we dug a big hole and dug our way out of school - we got out just under the fence before we were spotted! – Harry
One of my favourite memories was when I had my first day at Bosbury School. I was so shy and I was shaking all over, but after a few days I fitted in and I made friends with Ben and Luke. I moved into Class 3 and the teacher I had was Mrs. Walker – she was really nice to everyone in my class.
One of my favourite memories was when I got chosen to take part in the Year 6 production to sing the songs, which I learned really well. After we finished the performance, everyone in the crowd cheered.
My favourite memory however was when we went to the Malvern Outdoor Elements Centre where I was in a dormitory with some of my friends. We went on all kinds of activities and the breakfast there was really great.
When I leave Bosbury I will really miss it. Thank you for helping me to learn and have fun. – Tyler
I started Bosbury when I four Class Five
I was so excited Our school leavers year was finally here
I wanted to learn more Seven years of schooling and friendship
School was so much fun The best of all was the residential trip
The memories had only just begun
Year 6 will never be the same
Class One & Two We have the virus to blame
I learnt to read and write Seven years have been filled with fun
Lots of big words gave me a fright But now our time together is done
The teachers are so kind
The best you will ever find Bosbury is such a lovely place
You only have to see the smiles on every face
Class Three My memories and friendships will last a
I fell in love with art lifetime.
My creative homework
I made from my heart - Amelia
Class Four
We had loads of fun with Mr Dunn
Young voices was so late
Our parents had to wait
Bostival we camped on the school field
With only our tent to shield
In Year 4 we went to the Malvern Outdoor Elements Centre. We had this game where we would knock on another dorm room’s door and then go back to our own dorm before they saw us. It turned into everyone doing it to each other until people kept their doors open!
In Year 5 we went to the rugby tournament and we came third place out of all the schools in Herefordshire. We also went to the Imperial War Museum in London in Year 5 and we had to come to school at 6 o’clock in the morning! It was worth it though as we got to see a lot of cool stuff at the museum. The next year, we went to The Guardian newspaper building and we got to look around in the the House of Commons in the House of Parliament.
In Year 5 we also went to the Redridge Outdoor Centre and it was fun as we went rock climbing and artificial caving. – Charlie
When I first came to Bosbury School I was very scared, but everyone was nice to me and they showed me around the school.
The next day, Eva and I played Shopkin and Polly Pocket. I have lots of friends who are very lovely and nice. The lockdown is taking over our lives, but we got the chance to make rockets! – Scarlett
I remember when…
I remember in Reception I remember in Year Four
We had lots of fun Playing in forest school
Running around, playing on equipment Dragging sticks and making dens
Shouting at the top of our lungs. Which was very cool.
I remember in Year One I remember in Year Five
We started to read and learn Having an epic water fight
With the amazing Miss Williams Getting drenched and having fun
Who taught us to quickly run and turn. Then drying in the warm bright light
I remember in Year Two I remember in Year Six
We were practising our finger spaces The dreaded Covid-19
Still in Key Stage 1 No SATs or production
But only smiley faces. Covid-19 is so mean!
I remember in Year Three I’ll miss you Bosbury…
When I won the lucky dip and got some goo Thanks for everything.
On the playground with the big kids
Finally in Key Stage 2. - Jas
My favourite memory from Bosbury School was doing the Year 6 production and I got the part of Sultan Pepper. To be honest I didn't think I would be able to learn all 65 lines but I practised and practised and I learnt them all.
My greatest achievement was doing the SATs as I tried really hard, did really well and I am proud of myself.
Thank you Bosbury School for helping me to learn new things. - Will
What I have loved...
I loved
Every moment
Every memory
Every second
Every day
Every lesson
Every laugh
Every cry
Every smile
Every grin
Everyone and Everything!!
- Aidan
My favourite memory of Bosbury School was getting my SATs results because I was worried and excited at the same time, but when I opened the envelope I was filled with happiness as the results were higher than I had expected.
My second favourite moment was going to PGL as I was extremely proud of myself for going on the king swing even though I have a big fear of heights.
Goodbye Bosbury, I will miss you a lot. - Joe
My favourite memory was when Miss Fisher woke me up at PGL last year and I was dribbling! Also me, Beau, Oscar and Kai gave each other nicknames - mine was 'Windy', Beau's was 'Sunny', Oscar's was 'Breakfast' and Kai's was 'Sandworm'! Thank you. - Billy
My favourite memory from Bosbury is starting in Reception and making lots of friends throughout the years like Ollie, Ivy, Myles, Nat and my best friend Will because I can have a joke with him. I would also like to thank all of the staff at Bosbury for either teaching me or helping me if I had a problem or a worry, I will miss Bosbury and everyone at Bosbury School. Thank you. - Aaron
My Bosbury Years
In Reception I was little
Everyone was taller than me.
The field looked enormous
Stretching as far as the eye could see.
By the time I'd reached Year Three,
I knew every rule.
But school was never boring,
It was actually quite cool!
And now I'm in Year Six,
I'm as big as all the rest.
And one thing I know for sure,
Is that Bosbury is the BEST!
- Will
My favourite memory at Bosbury is going to PGL. It was the best time of my life; I especially enjoyed canoeing. Zach and I were a pair and he kept shouting at me to turn right. At the end the instructor threw Rhys into the lake and I shouted ‘Me too!’ so Mr Thompson grabbed me and threw me in the water.
My best times have been playing with my friend Myles. We enjoy playing army games because we both want to join the army. I also love it when we all play Bull dog (even though we are not meant to)…..The whole class plays and often with class 4 as well.
My funniest moment was when we finished the Sats. Mr Thompson led us out and we ran to the top of the field screaming with joy!!
It has been fun here at Bosbury and I will miss every second of it.
Thank You - Leo
I joined in Reception,
Where we had lots of fun,
And unlike my brother,
I didn’t miss my mum.
In a brilliant Year One,
I was best friends with Phoebe,
She was really kind,
But her bossiness didn’t please me!
In a terrific Year Two,
Sophie left for good,
I really missed her,
She taught me to fight wood.
In a happy Year Three,
Flo joined the school,
Maxina was her buddy,
I think she’s really cool!
In amazing Year Four,
It was my first residential,
The food there was nice-
Apart from the soup with Lentil…..
In a fantastic Year 5,
Ellen left for Cornwall,
I had lots of fun times with her,
Like climbing the school wall….
In a stupendous Year six,
We started the Oliver play,
I got the part of Rose,
We practised all day…..
I’m going to miss Bosbury,
I really liked this school,
I’ve made lots of friends,
And the teachers are sort of cool…
Thank You
- Isla
I have so many incredible memories of this school that I found it difficult to choose.
On the first day of school I lost my cardigan and started to cry. Mrs Spilsbury helped me to look for it but we never found it. So this is for you cardigan, wherever you are!(Typical me!)
In Year Two, my best friend Sophie and I were balancing around the Kerb on the playground. I couldn’t do it very well and kept falling off. Then I noticed a new Head Teacher looking around(It was Miss Spence) and I tried extra hard to concentrate and impress her.
Thank You Bosbury for all the trips, the Sports Days, the friendships, the laughter and the tears. I will remember you for the rest of my life. You have done so much for me. Don’t ever forget me….
Thank You - Maxina
What I have loved….
I loved
Every moment,
Every memory,
Every second,
Every day,
Every lesson,
Every laugh,
Every cry,
Every smile,
Every grin,
Everyone and Everything!!
- Isla and Maxina
In Year Two, we changed into school clothes from PE and my tights were always inside out.
I remember eating grass with my friends on the field when we were in Year 3.
In Class 4, Quinn was shaking a tub of cream and it exploded all over him; everybody started laughing.
This year in Class 5, I’ve made new friends and had a laugh with everyone. My favourite part of Class 5 is the Sats party-It was amazing!
I have had lots of fun and I will be really sad to leave Bosbury School.
Thank You - Tia
I joined Bosbury School in Year Two. I remember walking into the strange hall with pictures hung all around. My mum was a teacher there so I arrived really early and had a stroll around. It all seemed so strange and different. Miss Farr came out to meet me and say hello. I was so shy that I quickly ran back to my mum’s classroom…
On Year Two Camp out I was in a tent with Gregor and Ben. It poured with rain and when we woke up the roof had leaked and Gregor was all wet!
When I started at Bosbury I was so scared to walk into the playground that I had to be pushed out! Now I am much more confident.
Bosbury has taught me to keep my chin up, be strong and persevere. Thank you for helping me through Sats.
This school will always be the best I’ve ever had; it will never leave my mind, thoughts and heart.
Thank You - Henry
I remember when we went to Arete on a residential trip. George, Lucas, A-J and I ate two big packets of choco-bons. I t was a fantastic trip and I remember the laughter with my friends.
I was at PGL Liddington on the Giant Swing with George. It went high in the air and I was terrified. I screamed so much that I lost my voice.
These experiences have helped me to grow in every way and to become much more confident.
Thank You for all the trips,
Thank You for the sporting events,
Thank You for the amazing teachers,
Thank You for a fantastic four years,
Thank You for everyone who was there when I needed help,
Thank You for all the friends that I have made.
Thank You - Momo
On my first day in Reception I was really excited to be at school. It was also my birthday. Miss Farr said that she had never seen a new Reception child so keen and full of joy.
When I moved into Class Four, I was really nervous because I thought Mr Dunn would be really mean. But he turned out to be one of my best teachers and I loved Forest School as well.
I am loving rehearsing for the Oliver! performance. Ever since I started at Bosbury I have looked forward to the Year 6 play. I couldn’t be happier with my part and I have enjoyed the whole experience.
The last seven years have been the best I have ever had. This school is my second home and I will really miss it. I am sad to leave but ready to move on.
Thank You - Ben
I joined Bosbury in Class Three. I made lots of new friends really easily and had lots of fun. We acted out the story of the Mountain King and my friends and I were fairies. I absolutely loved it.
In Class Four Mrs Wilesmith was teaching us. We were stacking milk and George had not put the lid on properly. Quinn picked a bottle and shook it and the milk went all over him. We were all hysterical with laughter.
I have learnt so much at Bosbury School and had so many happy memories. I’m just so sad to leave it all behind.
Thank You - Skye
My favourite memories have been the laughter with Skye and my friends and the amazing experiences.
Forest School was brilliant and I remember we were all laughing whilst playing on the swing.
I have enjoyed doing PE with Mr Long and Harry and going to the Cricket tournament at Eastnor Castle. I partnered Ivy and I scored my first 4!
When I moved to Class 5 it was brilliant because we all had a buddy to look after in Reception class. She was lovely and I felt that I was really helping her. Mr Thompson and Mrs Lane were fun too!
Thank You - Sarah
I remember one day in Reception and I went to school wearing a big woolly, winter hat with a huge bobble on it. Everyone liked it and later we had a blindfold challenge in class. I was allowed to wear my hat and pull it down over my eyes. I could still see through it but didn’t say anything… I did really well!
In Year Four Abi joined the school and we became good friends and supported and helped each other.
Thank You for a Bosbury adventure that I will never forget!
Thank You - Ellie
I Remember When…..
I remember in Reception,
We had lots of fun,
Dressing up and playing games,
To please everyone.
I remember in Year One,
A teacher who was new to me,
The amazing Miss Williams,
Who taught the alphabet A – Z.
I remember in Year Two,
We were out after dark,
Having an awesome Camp out
And playing in the park.
I remember in Year Three,
I was now a Key Stage 2,
I felt older and important
And always lost my shoe!
I remember in Year Four,
I got Mr Dunn.
He was a brilliant teacher
And liked everyone.
I remember in Class Five,
We went to Wales,
For an awesome residential
And saw lots of Quails.
I remember in Year 6,
It’s been my final year,
It’s probably been the most fun,
And my memories are so dear.
Thank You - Ellie
I joined Bosbury School halfway through Year Three and Maxina was my buddy. She introduced me to her friends and we quickly became close.
Soon after I joined, we went to the Malvern Outdoor Centre on a residential. I shared a room with Isla, Maxina, Ellie, Abi and Ellen. We won the award for the best entertainment as we sang ‘We Three Kings’ with actions. I remember my duvet falling off in the night onto Ellie in the bunk below and not being able to get it back!
In Year 5 I went to my first netball match. It was so cold I had to put miss Cooke’s coat on as well as mine. We did very well though, despite the cold and came third. I have played in many more matches since then.
In Year 5 we went to Arete Outdoor Centre. It was so much fun! We went gorge-walking and it was the best activity ever! When we were in chin-high water we had to swim to a deeper bit and be pushed backwards off a rock. Afterwards, Mrs Swain had to help me get my wet suit off as it was stuck to my legs.
Now in Year 6 we are working hard for our play of Oliver! I am loving being a narrator.
I will miss Bosbury School so much. This is my third school and by far the best. I will be sad to leave but thank you Bosbury for all that you have given me.
Thank You - Flo
I remember my first day in Year Two and I stood in the playground shaking. Ben Witt came over to see if I was ok.
The Year Two Camp out was so exciting. We played games and then we went into our tent at bedtime. I went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night to eat Oreos and woke everyone up. I asked Mr. Ponter what the time was – he shouted’ BED-TIME!’- it was actually 4.30 in the morning.
When I arrived in Class Four I was excited because everyone said that Mr Dunn was really nice. At the end of my 2 years in Class 4 I had had the most amazing time. My favourite subject was Forest School.
I joined Class Five and I was excited to be a Year 6 person and at the top of the school. I was nervous to have a new teacher but now I have become much more confident and though sad to leave, I can’t wait to enjoy my new school.
Thank You - Quinn
I joined Bosbury School in Year 4. The very first time I set foot in the playground, I was more nervous than you could imagine; in need of finding friends and hoping to settle down in my new school. At break time Ellie and Flo walked up to me and asked if I wanted to play with them. We have become firm friends despite a few ups and downs!
Until the end of year 5 I was in Class 4 with Mr Dunn. He was brilliant and never doubted me. He always made me feel better when I was feeling a little left out.
In Year Six Mr Thompson was my teacher. He was always able to make me laugh. I really enjoyed the residential trips , the food was really good and the activities were amazing! I was terrified at abseiling and when I got to the top of the tower the instructor told me to lean back. It took me a long time to overcome my fear of heights and when I finally reached the bottom , I was so proud of myself.
I don’t think that I could have gone to a better primary school.
Thank You - Abi
I joined Bosbury in Class 4. I did not know where anything was so I followed Momo around everywhere and I didn’t speak all day!
My favourite memory from this year was at PGL when Leo and I were splashing Mr Thompson in the canoe and then paddling away.
I also really enjoyed playing cricket at Bosbury and my team won!
I have many happy memories.
Thank You - Zach
I joined Bosbury halfway through Class 4 and Mr Dunn was really nice to me. I made lots of friends quickly and settled in well. We went to Clisset Wood on a trip and became carpenters for the day. We made stools using shave horses and whittling knives. We found an old van and thought it was haunted.
One of my favourite memories was when Quinn and I were having a drink. Mr Thompson crept up behind Quinn and blew his whistle really loud. Quinn jumped out of his skin; we couldn’t stop laughing.
I absolutely loved the Bostival; we played Hide and Seek but Kai couldn’t find us for ages. I stayed up till 11.30 p.m.
In Year 5 I loved everything but a particular favourite was when we went to Arete because Isaac thought there was a ghost in his dorm. Afterwards we went to a massive lake and I backflipped off the boat. It was so fun!
I have absolutely loved Year 6. I loved the sports tournaments; especially the football and netball pyramid at Ledbury. It was really hot but we persevered. In the end we cane second; everyone tried their hardest.
Thank You Bosbury School - George
I joined in Class 3 and Mrs Wilesmith was my teacher. I brought my special teddy to school with me to give me confidence. I became friends with Sarah and that friendship has lasted throughout school.
In Class 5 at PGL I went on the Giant Swing with Tia and Ellie, even though I am scared of heights. At the top I had to pull the rope to release us and I was terrified. It was great fun afterwards. Abseiling was also brilliant.
I am excited about my new school but have happy memories of Bosbury.
Thank You - Marsha
My favourite memory is when we were on the way back from Young Voices. Leland, Kori and I were telling each other horror stories. We scared ourselves so much that we didn’t move or speak until we got off the bus. It took us two days to recover!
In Class 5 when we performed Oliver I was Mr Brownlow and had a really cool costume and a realistic grey beard. Everybody laughed as I came on stage. I had 90 lines to learn but I managed it and it ended up fine.
Another memory was when we went to PGL and we did canoeing. It was freezing but Rhys and I just kept jumping in the icy water!
Thank You Bosbury - Gregor
I remember on the first day of school and I was in Year One. I was clutching my mum’s hand and Mrs Turnbull said to come to the playground and lots of children came to say hello.
When I went to PGL we started by doing the Survivor activity and then the zip wire. The following day the Giant Swing was both brilliant and terrifying.
In Class Five two visitors came in with pigs’ hearts for us to study. We got to stick our fingers in it and up it to see what was inside. It was really interesting.
Thank You for all the friends,
Thank You for all the teachers
Thank You for the trips,
Thank You for the amazing events,
Thank You for the football,
Thank You for the brilliant six years that I have had,
Thank You Bosbury for giving me strength and confidence.
Thank You - Joshua
I joined the school in Year six and Ben showed me around the school on my first day. He showed me some magic tricks which were really fun.
We became friends and a funny memory is when Ben was drinking yoghurt and I tipped it and it came through his nose and went down his shirt.
I remember when we went to PGL and we played games in the canoes. At the end we got to jump in the water and at first it was freezing.
In Science week we cut open a pig’s heart. It smelt horrible so I stopped immediately.
When we finished the Sats, the class had a party. We all brought in food and afterwards we all had a massive sugar rush.
My favourite memory from this year is when we performed Oliver in front of parents and the school. I was Bill Sykes.
Thank You Bosbury - Billy
My time at Bosbury has been good and I have had my ups and downs. I started Bosbury in Reception and have continued on to year 6 and I am going to high school in September. All of the teachers have helped me improve massively! I have really enjoyed Bosbury! - Lily-Mai
I have loved my time here at Bosbury C.E Primary School, it all started in Year 3 in 2013 where I knew no-one but after the first day I knew everyone I needed to know. My favourite memory of PGL was when I had to climb a really tall tower then ring a bell, so I persevered and was the first girl to get to the top! My favourite memory of Arête residential was when Kori, Izzy, Leland and I all went on the gorge slide and, yes, I was the first to get wet! My favourite memory of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicoloured Dream Coat’ production will be 10X better than the rehearsals. I’m sad to be leaving this amazing school but I’m sure I will never forget it ever! Miss you! - Eva
Bosbury School is amazing! I made lots of friends and the lessons are really fun. I really recommend it to everyone. My favourite memory is when I came to look at the school and Mr Dunn was climbing the tree in Forest School! - Alice
I really enjoyed my time at Bosbury because the lessons are really fun. My favourite thing at Bosbury I have done is going to Arête because I got to do a backflip off the boat into the cave and sliding down the water fall. I have really enjoyed my time at Bosbury. - Josh
I’ve been at Bosbury for seven years, and every year has been epic. When I started in reception, I was a bit shy but now in year 6 I have become more outgoing and involved in many school clubs and activities thanks to great encouragement from all the teachers. Over the years I have made a family of friends that I hope I will stay in touch with in high school and beyond. I have a young cousin in the lower school and I hope he leaves with as cool memories as I have. - Jack
I’ve only been at Bosbury for two years, but it’s been an amazing experience. The sports are great, the lessons are fun and everybody is very well behaved. At my old school the only sports I was good at were cross-country and cricket, but after joining Bosbury I’ve become a lot better at cricket and found a new love for football and I am excited to be attending a trial at West Brom, who also works with the school. The school have helped me so much and I think I have done very well in my SATs. The school choir is also amazing and won Herefordshire choir of the year. Bosbury School is fun, amazing, sporty and overall out-standing. I would recommend this school to anyone that is reading this. - Isaac
I joined Bosbury at the young age of four. I remember my first day, I was shaking in fear. Mrs. Munford led me to Class 1’s sandpit. Bosbury has helped me grow in confidence; I went from being a boy who cried every day to a boy who walked to school with no worries or issues. I remember the year two campout. I asked Mr Ponter what the time was and he responded “Two late!” (it was 12 o’clock). I remember going in my first sports team it was… football! I have really enjoyed playing in most of the sports teams with my friends and growing in confidence. These two years in Mr. Thompsons’s class have helped me get ready for secondary school or high school. I would love to stay at Bosbury but I have to move on. Thank you Bosbury! - Eliot
I started school in reception and I made lots of friends; most of them moved up into class two but I stayed in class one although we were still good friends. I remember playing in the big tree. In class four I loved doing forest school with Mr. Dunn as I really like the outdoors. As I moved into class five, I felt the year sixes weren’t as scary as when I was in class four. When I went into year 6 I didn’t feel one as them because I have been looking up to them in my school career. I have been on two residentials: PGL Liddington and Arête Outdoor centre. I really enjoyed doing the evening activities at PGL and doing gorge walking at Arête. I loved my time at Bosbury; I wish I could start it all again. Thank you!! - James
Thank you Bosbury for being a great school! I joined around the end of year five. When I joined I didn’t feel nervous coming through the gate but before I was terrified. I already know a lot of people here so it wasn’t that bad. I have been in most of the sport teams and have done a lot more than I ever did at my old school. It has been great. My favourite sport we did was the cricket in Ross. We had a residential trip to PGL Liddington, it was great fun going abseiling, canoeing and climbing. I shared a room with Isaac and Jenson and the teacher said we were the quietest. - AJ
Thank you,
For all the school trips we’ve had,
For all the fantastic lessons,
For all the great teachers,
For the amazing year two campout,
For all of the years of Bostival,
For the fabulous FOBS
For all the five years of sporting events,
For all the clubs and sports,
And all of my friends.
- Jack
And here are some wonderful tributes which we have received from the parents of some of our pupils:
On behalf of the parents of the Year 6s I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff at Bosbury.
The Price Family have been traipsing to Bosbury since 2004 when Matthew joined in the Summer term. We had been home educating and decided that that was no longer a route for us. We visited several different Primary schools and were on the verge of going back to home education…..and then we came to Bosbury. We were greeted by the wonderful Mrs. Millar who was teaching Reception and acting Head at the time and we warmed to her immediately. But what impressed us the most was the children. They came up to us, enthusiastically, keen to show us what they had been doing. They were happy, confident and clearly enjoying what they were doing. That was it – we’d decided – Bosbury was for us.
As parents, all of us are extremely protective of our children, we are keen that they are in an environment that is safe, nurturing and allows them to develop into confident young people, which we have so clearly seen today. We all have different ideas as to how and what they should learn, we have different likes and different dislikes. The teachers have to accommodate all of this and also not only teach the curriculum, when they may prefer to do it differently, but they have to be diplomats, counselors, kind and caring but firm, first aiders, excellent at large amounts of paperwork, have a keen sense of humour, endure many occasions of ‘can I just have a quick word?’ and lastly but probably most importantly to have endless patience. I hope I speak for all of us when I say that we are so grateful that our children are in such a nurturing environment. Bosbury is a wonderful school, not only ‘outstanding’ as far as OFSTED is concerned, but outstanding in the way it genuinely cares for our children. We certainly feel very fortunate that our children have been at Bosbury and although they are now ready to move on, we will miss coming here every day.
Memories? I think probably of an incredibly busy school. Nativities; Easter services; Sports Days; Class assemblies; incredible music, from choir to African drumming; musicals; concerts; plus every child having an opportunity to learn an instrument – thank you Mrs. Walker – please accept this as a token of our thanks. (bouquet of flowers)
Then there is Forest school – certainly for Joseph & Joshua this has been one of their highlights at school – thank you Mr. Dunn. Then there are sports teams – football, tag rugby, running, netball, cricket, tennis, rounders; and sleepovers for the younger years and Residentials for the older children; art; the Chess competition; Spanish; visiting professionals covering everything from science to history to poetry to batik and pottery; school trips and theatre visits; development in digital technology; the incredible FOBS with their Summer & Christmas Fairs, Bostival, Bingo! & Quizes with the legendary Mr. Ponter! There is a huge array of after-school clubs, all run voluntarily; and more recently the developing connection with the Tara Link School in Rwanda…….and there are many more activities that I haven’t mentioned I’m sure.
What will we miss? Standing at the school gates…..having an opportunity to chat and reflect on so many things going on at school, sharing funny moments….and there have been quite a few!; watching our children in the many assemblies and performances that we have been fortunate enough to be invited to and celebrating their many achievements.
I can’t quite believe its been 14yrs we’ve been coming to Bosbury – I think we have worn tracks on the road! We have met some wonderful people here & hope that we will continue to stay in touch even if our children aren’t all going on to the same school.
So…..the parents of the Year 6 Leavers are delighted to be able to present the school with some outside games which we hope will be useful ……and fun! We have dominoes, quoits, skittles and noughts and crosses. We also have a rather special Jenga game – made by Roger, Joshua’s Dad and sanded & polished by Matthew, Beatrice, Joseph & Joshua. The wood has been donated by the manager of Bradfords whose children came here to Bosbury and Pam Witt has yet again been busy burning on the Year 6 leavers’ initials onto some of the blocks. Hannah, a KS1 parent, has very kindly agreed to make a heavy-duty bag over the summer, to store this in.
We would also like to donate a 5ft picnic bench which is now in the playground made by Matthew! – who left Bosbury in 2010’
So – nearly there! We have some gifts for the Year 6 teachers.
Mrs. Lane – thank you so much for being such a wonderful TA, for your kindness, support & encouragement. We have a gift from all of us for you.
Mr. Smith – thank you for being an amazing TA and for the extremely popular Dungeons and Dragons games club which I know Joshi has always looked forward to. A little ‘bird’ suggested that you might like this gift (cider!).
Mr. Thompson – Thank you for your hard work in guiding all our children through Yr 6 and SATS – for encouraging them when they weren’t sure if they could do it, for pushing them when you knew they could do more; for encouraging their fitness with daily runs around the field (even though some of them may not have been that keen!) and for taking them on trips, their Residential and for the huge task of the production of Oliver! along with Mrs Walker (& I think most of the KS2 staff?!)….and much more besides. We have a gift for you from ‘Wiggle’ (sports voucher) which we hope you will enjoy spending!
There are always those who work more behind the scenes and who are often ‘unsung heroes’ – so we would like to give a present to
Mrs Kay – who works tirelessly in the office. Thank you for putting up with all of us knocking on your window to ask you a question, or open the door when you are answering the phone or trying to count money or working on the computer. Thank you for all the work you do which I think often we are mostly unaware of. Please accept this gift from all of us. (bouquet of flowers)
Finally, we would like to say ‘thank you’ to our amazing Head Teacher - Miss Spence.
I’m not quite sure what to say – you have transformed this school. There has hardly been a day when we don’t see you every morning before school and every afternoon after school, out and about speaking with parents. You have been willing to discuss issues of concern with us and ensure that action is taken if needs be; you have a incredibly strong and tight-knit team around you; you have clear views as to how the school should be run and a vision as to how it can develop but are willing to and actively listen to our suggestions, particularly through the Parent Forum; you have taken an outstanding school and made it exceptional. Not only that, you are also a mum, which means that you can also relate to us parent to parent and not just Head teacher to parent. So this (bouquet of flowers) comes with our best wishes to you for continued success at Bosbury and our thanks.
- Lydia Price, parent of Matthew, Beatrice, Joseph and Joshua who between them attended Bosbury Primary School for fourteen years
Bosbury School
When Ollie started at Bosbury school,
He wasn’t one to follow the rule.
He pushed all the boundaries, thought he could win,
And all the time was as sharp as a pin!
The teachers they saw this, they could see who he was,
They nurtured and taught him,
Just because……
That’s what they do, that’s what it is,
They meet every need whether it’s hers or it’s his.
Ollie wouldn’t do assembly, he didn’t do plays,
He wouldn’t step foot on that big wide stage.
But slowly and surely, they helped him believe,
And see what it was that he could achieve.
With guided support and seamless transitions,
Every day for him became less of a mission.
Mrs Thompson helped with debating,
And thinking outside of the box.
Mrs Swain gave him grounding,
And she pulled out all the stops.
Mr Dunn, we say he’s magic, he inspired him you see,
To do anything he wants and be anyone he can be.
Mr Thompson worked him hard, he knew what Ollie could do,
He challenged him to be the best and believed in him through and through.
Mrs Lane has always listened, she provides that calming voice,
Helped him to see that we all do get that choice.
Mrs Walker brought out his musical notes, in drumming and in vocals
She gave him opportunity and for that I’m very grateful.
Miss Spence pulls them all together, she leads with style and grace
Always finding time within the ever-challenging pace,
To talk about the individual child with a parent or a carer,
Guiding and supporting so the bond grows ever nearer.
So, I would like to thank you all
Thank Bosbury with all my heart
For helping him immensely
And giving Ollie such an amazing start!
- Helen Smith (Parent of Ollie, Year 6 leaver 2017)
Eleven Years of…
Standing at the school gate…
Sharing moments of joy, grief and everything in between…
Waiting nervously for the first assembly…
Watching them safely caught when they fall…
Loving seeing them grow, stand tall and and learn to fly…
Re-living the very best of childhood sports days…
Clapping, singing and cheering on…
And finally shedding enough tears of pride to fill the playground with a great, big puddle.
Thank you Bosbury.
- Sam Roffe
Parent of Jake (Reception September 2005) and Chloe (Reception September 2010)
Just wanted to record our thanks and gratitude to you and all your entire staff at Bosbury for the tremendous, outstanding and committed work with all the youngsters this year!
Everything from forest school, music events, performing arts, including the strong and soulful choir, performing arts and drama, science projects, topic work, sports, curriculum areas like maths and English and foreign languages and the fantastic assisting staff support, after school actvities etc. really is awesome! You are all giving a perfectly well rounded education, vital early years and key stages of learning, building memories for lifetimes, preparing and transitioning our children, building great social and practical skills and generally preparing our children for life ahead where they can contribute and enjoy life as they will.
We have to say we were especially blown away by the leavers performance of Joseph. Really, really brilliant! The talent of the children, they gave 100%, and talented sta and parents are really quite extraordinary.
- Class 4 parent 2017