Bosbury Primary School

Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School Life at Bosbury Primary School

Curriculum Progression

The following documents outline how we ensure skill progression in our foundation subjects.

We have split each subject into the key skills needed to be successful in that curriculum area.

We use this document to help us plan and assess the foundation subjects.

If you have any questions about any of these documents please contact Mrs. McManus.


   Being an Artist                                 Being a Musician

   Being a Computer User                  Being a Personal and Social Thinker

   Being a Designer                             Being a Reader

   Being an EYFS Learner                  Being a Religious Thinker

   Being a Geographer                       Being a Scientist

   Being a Historian                            Being a Sportsperson

   Being a Linguist                             Being a Writer


